Here is what the firm has been up to since our last newsletter.
Promotions and New Hires:
Jessica Dugan joined the team as a Senior Audit Associate on May 1st. Will DeAndrade and Beth Ann Quinn joined the team as interns on May 15th. Welcome Jessica, Will, and Beth Ann!
Donna Mounce received her Enrolled Agent’s license and Kerry Walker received his CPA license! Congrats to both!
Conferences / Seminars / Events:
We hosted our second annual Summer Leadership Conference in our office on May 16-17. This event is open to students interested in accounting as a profession and offers leadership workshops, discussions, service projects, and networking opportunities. Our favorite? The Escape Room social! Thanks to all of our attendees, we had a great time!
Volunteerism / Community Events:
As part of the Summer Leadership Conference service project and in honor of our 50 year anniversary, we built and decorated birdhouses and donated them to the North Carolina Botanical Garden.
Office Happenings:
We wrapped up another tax season on April 18th at a local favorite, Bar Taco!
Employee News (Births, marriages, anniversaries, birthdays):
- Sarah Benoist, April 23
- Candy Kirby, May 4 – 60 years young
- Trish Distler, May 11
- Ben Buckner, May 21
- Jennipher Branch, May 22