As we wrap up the first quarter of 2017, we are thankful for the opportunity to interact with our many wonderful clients this tax season. We are also grateful for the staff who have been diligent in their efforts to provide top-notch service as they prepare your tax returns. In addition to all things TAX, our team has also been busy with community events, enjoying special holidays, and welcoming new members to our team and our families. We hope you enjoy Blackman & Sloop’s Firm News!
New Faces and Staff Updates
- On January 23rd, we welcomed Chad Huckabee to the team as a Senior Tax Associate. If you stop by the office during tax season, be sure to take a minute to meet our new team member!
- Alison Merkabah gave birth in February to a son named Atlas.
- Happy Granddad: One of our partners, Neely McLaughlin, relieves the stress of tax season by taking a lunch break with his grandson.
- Ryan Miller turned 30 in January and Joe Beaudin turned 40 in February. Happy Birthday, Ryan and Joe!!
Community Events
Over the last few months, Blackman & Sloop has had the opportunity to sponsor the following events:
- Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public School Foundation Partners in Education Program;
- American Dance Festival’s Opening Night Fete;
- The 4th Annual Dining for Dollars dinner for Chapel Hill-Carrboro Meals on Wheels
In addition, Blackman & Sloop staff wore red on February 3rd in support of “Go Red for Women – National Wear Red Day” for the American Heart Association. We also support the American Heart Association in the fall by raising money and participating in the annual AHA walk.
Firm Fun
Throughout the busy tax season, we try to encourage our staff with fun mini celebrations that get us out of our offices for a few minutes and bring us together as a team. We started with “National Margarita Day” on February 22nd! We couldn’t miss celebrating this special day with our team!! We brought in a margarita machine and experimented with fun flavors. We also enjoyed “National Oreo Day” on March 6th. We sampled different flavors of cookies along with some complimentary milk and ice cream. Lastly, we celebrated the completion of our first big due date on March 15th with a wine and cheese social.