What year did you join Blackman & Sloop? I joined Blackman & Sloop in 2016. Where did you go to college? I attended East Carolina University. Why did you choose…
In the Know – July 2018
Just because tax season is over doesn’t mean things quiet down at Blackman & Sloop. Check out what we’ve been up to in and out of the office. Welcoming…
End of the Traditional Office: Fact or Fiction?
Brick and mortar versus the virtual office. It’s a dynamic that’s been ongoing for a couple of decades. But you might be wondering: how much has the traditional office really…
Old School and Hi-Tech Ways to Keep Track of Passwords
In 2017, nearly one-third of internet users reported being victim to online hacking or similar suspicious activity on their accounts. But, as anyone who regularly uses a computer—especially for financial…
Social Security Ground Zero: 16 Years to Impact
Every year, the Board of Trustees of the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Insurance and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Funds (OASDI) issues its annual report on the Social Security system. The…
Self-Employment Deductions Under the New Tax Law
The new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which went into effect on Jan. 1, has sent an unambiguous message that the current GOP-dominated Congress and Presidential Administration are decidedly pro-business….
Amazon’s Alexa as a Virtual Office Assistant
Studies have shown that as much as 40 percent of time spent at work is generally unproductive, busy work. Things like checking emails, ordering supplies, fixing the copy machine or…